The Waterfield Foundation, Inc.
The Waterfield Foundation, Inc. is an Indiana not-for-profit corporation empowered to make grants for charitable and educational purposes. The Foundation will consider grant applications covering a wide range of charitable activities including health and human services, education, arts and humanities and community development.
The charter of the Foundation specifies that it has a strong commitment to Fort Wayne, Indiana and its surrounding community, and grants are not generally made for the purpose of providing services in other areas.
Grants will only be considered for organizations that (1) qualify for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; or (2) are a political subdivision or the State of Indiana. Grants will not be considered for an organization that is a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Preference is usually given to existing organizations with a proven track record of providing services or fulfilling a need in the Fort Wayne area. The Foundation will usually make grants for specific purposes, programs and general operating support.
To apply for a grant, the Waterfield Foundation Grant Request Information Sheet (click here) should be completed and submitted along with any supporting documentation. However, the Foundation may make contributions to worthy causes that have not presented an application. The completed Information Sheet can be mailed or submitted by email. Contact our executive director at [email protected] or at 260-312-6814 for the date of the next Foundation meeting and submission deadline.
The Foundation is primarily interested in projects that require private support. Governmental institutions and tax supported facilities may nonetheless be considered when the Foundation determines that the community will be significantly benefited, and that private participation is necessary to bring this about.